One Lovely Blog Award


Thanks to lovely Grace of for nominating me for the One Lovely Blog Award!!

– Thank and link person(s) who nominated you.
– List rules and display the award.
– Share 7 facts about yourself.
– Nominate 7 Bloggers & comment on their posts to let them know they have been nominated.

7 Facts!

1.  I am addicted (like I have a problem) natural hair.

2. I have to be one of the only people who actually like driving.

3.  I love my starches like potatoes, bread, rice, all the fatty stuff.

4. I don’t like rap music. R&B all the way.

5.  I wish I could dance.

6.  I don’t like to party

7. i also have an addiction to Dunkin’ Donut.

My Nominees:

Thoughts of the Day 7 / 24



So as you guys know I said I said i wanted to dye my hair blue. And soon after I decided what I was gonna do it for real for real, I saw on instagram a girl who goes to my school and is natural as well, she colored her hair blue.  The funny thing is when she first went natural I did my big chop a few months and we she dyed her hair a reddish/violet color, dyed mine a reddish/orange color, not paying any mind to her. So after that her and friends were saying i was copying off of her and all this. PAUSE first of all if I’m gonna “copy” off of someone I will pick a person whose hair is AMAZING, like Mahogany Curls or Naptural85. I’m not gonna choose someone who has the same hair length as me and doesn’t do anything to her hair…not even a twist out.
Secondly what reason do I have to copy off of you like you’re not the first/only to have natural hair and you’re not the only person to dye your hair red. So relax  because  the person who dyed it did a bad job. But anyway how old are we to sit here and say so and so copied off of me. Like we’re in college grow up!

But I will still dye my hair blue!!😆😆

Thoughts of the Day- 7/5/14

Do any of you just absolutely love going to beauty supply stores. Whether it’s Sallys or your local bss. Well I do. Even if I’m low on money I will still go to a bss just to see what they have and 9 times of out 10, I leave with something. 
Please let me know I’m not the only one who feels this way!